These are the skins i have completed and tested.... w.i.p's are on a separate page
Nosferatu, not my best, not my worst... i made him to team up with Sepulchre and Vacojin. i used Painter 3 for this skin, thats why its quite basic, it looks pretty good in game though....
I was bored one day, and decided to toy with the MercMaleA body texture, i created a "Dark Wraith" skin, it looked pretty good, finnaly i slaped on a Aristocratic Face n gave him the name Armstrong! before adding minor details to the skin, to give it a better edge
The follow up to Vacojin, i used the unrealed to wrap the "gametes" spark around the skin, it enhances the skin considerably, to be deathly honest i havn't changed the skin much, just the plastic armor, i left the metal sections as they were, merely because they looked better
Fresh of the press! not quite what i expected when i made the folder Corbenic, but it turned out pretty kool, i wanted to make a skin that echoed a war hardened general, Corbenic became a Battletorn Overseer.
Finnaly! after 3 weeks of mucking round and toying with the shaders,Mercury is complete, the picture doesnt really do him justice, you have to see him to take in his full potential, my best skin yet? no... but he's pretty darn good
Check that out :P my first model made usin milkshape 3d, manages to mantain its comedy value but as a model it totally sucks! i made it purely for a laugh and to use how to work milkshape 3d, and i wanid to share it wuv ya all ;) enjoy!
here is waylon, my paper grain skin, not too bad, but i cant see this guy extending any furthur than this website, hes not a bad skin all in all, he took long enough to make! and plus i like blue skins :P
Yes! he's took long enough to arrive but here he is, you wont see this guy anywhere else (unless someone steals the skin), he's my own personal skin, for me AND ONLY ME to use. all in all i'd say he's pritty good, the meshing effect turned out better than i thought it would.